

Dr.Johannah Mary Cook

Johannah Mary Cook,新西兰籍,中国文学与哲学博士。2014年至今,一直在太阳集团tcy8722网站工作,其不仅教授中国学生英语口语类课程,还积极向外国留学生介绍中国文化、中国美学及核心价值观。在研究上,Johannah努力将自己研究专长和中国文化相结合,经常撰写一些在绍兴的逸闻趣事发表在国外期刊,让更多的外国友人了解绍兴和浙江文化,还曾作为嘉宾参与制作一部关于魏晋诗人及当代作家(如鲁迅)电视纪录片。由于工作突出,2016年Johannah被授予浙江省西湖友谊奖和绍兴市荣誉市民的称号。

Profile – Greg Lishman

Greg Lishman hails from South Africa and is a native English speaker of UK descent with extensive experience in international trade and foreign relations.


Greg holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Rhodes University and a postgraduate BSc Honours degree from the University of the Witwatersrand.


He is married to a Chinese national and over the years has done much to promote Chinese culture in South Africa. Apart from assisting his wife with running a Chinese language school in Johannesburg, Greg has presented Chinese Culture and Etiquette Seminars at several organizations including the BRICS Institute.


During a several year teaching sojourn on Taiwan island in the 2000s, Greg developed a keen interest in teaching English to Chinese language speakers, and at one stage maintained a classroom at the Huaxin Library where he taught English to members of the overseas Chinese community in Johannesburg’s Chinatown.


Greg has worked for both Chinese state-owned enterprises and foreign companies and has been deeply involved in the international trade of minerals and agricultural commodities, particularly beef. Past involvement in the media space also led him to write numerous newspaper articles and press releases.


As a native English speaker with expertise in a wide range of fields, Greg is in an excellent position to assist Chinese learners to acquire English language fluency. He is particularly passionate about boosting the confidence levels of ZYUFL students, so that they may better realize their full English-speaking potential.